A Non-Landed Naturist Club in Central New Mexico

News & Views

Join the Roadrunners

Who can Join?

We are open to all persons, 18 years and older, who are sincerely interested in the naturist lifestyle. Children of members are free. Minors must be accompanied by a legal guardian who is responsible for the minor.

How do you get to know us?

We welcome you to attend one of our events in the near future so that you can get to know us. Prior to attending an event we are asking interested parties to“meet-up” with current members to help decide if our club is a perfect fit for you and your interests. You can reach us by sending an email message to: RoadRunnerNaturists@hotmail.com. A representative of the club will contact you to arrange a meeting. 

Roadrunner naturists, as well as other organized nudist groups, ask for positive proof of identity for those persons attending a function for the first time.We do this to provide a safe, secure environment for those people who participate in our activities.This information (such as a state-issued photo Id and ANNR membership card) is retained in the club’s records and known only to the membership committee. This requirement is common to landed and travel clubs alike and serves to protect our member’s comfort and safety.

How do I join?

After a visitor has come to a Roadrunner function at least 2 - 3 times, you will be asked to become a member and make a commitment to the club by paying dues, serving on committees or the board, helping with planning events and some of the hosting duties. Before you can become a member, at least three members must vouch for you, and the Board votes on whether to accept your application. If you find you love nude recreation as much as we do and decide you’d like to become a member, you can fill out an application and pay the following dues:

Individual: $59.00/year

Your dues include membership in AANR, the American Association for Nude Recreation, which entitles you to a 20% discount when traveling to any of more than 180 AANR affiliated nudist resorts in theUSandCanada. You may also receive this discount at numerous overseas resorts. Ask about other AANR benefits like car rental discounts.

More about social nudism for women:

More about becoming a nudist:

Legal Considerations: