A Non-Landed Naturist Club in Central New Mexico

News & Views

Real Nudism

Folks who have never been nude around a lot of people are naturally a little bit nervous even at the thought of it. You needn't apologize for this. We were all new once and we understand how you feel and will try to make you feel welcome and comfortable with the group.

What if I get aroused (i.e. an erection)

While this is a common question among men, this is rarely a problem. Since our parties are non-sexual most men do not find them stimulating. There are times when this is inappropriate, such as when you're at work. Most likely, you don't get an erection when you see an attractive woman at work. Likewise, you would probably not get aroused by seeing children, older women with their husbands, overweight women or other men. These are the types of normal people you will see at our parties. If you do experience arousal, don't make a big deal out of it - just position yourself discreetly or cover up with your towel until the moment passes.

A few simple rules

Our naturist events are not 'sex events'. Naturists simply want to be rid of uncomfortable clothes or swimsuits and enjoy the warmth of the sun, a cool breeze or a gentle rain on their skin.

Always sit on a towel when nude.

Remarks about your body or anyone else's (good or bad) is inappropriate. It's impolite to stare, whether clothed or nude.

Drinking is ok, drunkenness is not. Observe the host's rules for tobacco use, such as not smoking inside someone's home.

No drugs and no cameras...period.

Last but most importantly, how to have fun!

We are clothing-optional and you will not be pressured to be nude, but most people find that in a few minutes they are out of their clothes and in the pool or hot tub. The first few minutes may seem awkward but this feeling goes away quickly as you realize that everyone else is nude and they are not concerned with your nudity.

Participate! Get involved in an activity that is going on even without being invited. Listen to the conversation while in the hot tub and join in when you can. It is common to have 5 to 10 new visitors at any given event. You aren't going to be the only new person. The only time you will feel left out is if you sit in a corner and leave yourself out.

People say a day at a nude resort feels like a week's vacation. Relax and enjoy!

Talk to more than one person. Try different things. You may find you like to do some things more without your clothes than you would clothed.

The Naturist Society Guide

World Guide to Nude Beaches and Resorts

Updated guide reviews and gives directions to nude beaches in Europe, Asia, Australia, South America, the United States, Canada, and Mexico, as well as surrounding islands.

Beautifully illustrated with color and black and white photos. Soft cover. 270 pages.

(This book is available for loan from the Roadrunners Library.)

AANR Guide

2nd Edition NorthAmerican Guide to Nude Recreation


This is your ultimate link to hundreds of nudist clubs throughout North America and the Caribbean. This new handy size makes it the perfect travel companion. Soft cover 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 320 pages. Order yours today!

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