A Non-Landed Naturist Club in Central New Mexico

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Steps to Nudism

If you are reading this page you have an interest in trying nudism. The following steps might help you to clear some hurdles that tend to hold people back from making the change in their lifestyle.

1. Talk About It

Have an honest conversation with your spouse, significant-other, housemates and relatives about your intent to try being nude and the reasons you want to try it. You will be surprised at their reaction and acceptance.

2. Sleep Nude

Try sleeping without night clothes. This first step will convince you that being nude is very comfortable and you will probably never go back to wearing pajamas, etc.

3. Ease Into The Day

Get up 30 minutes early and delay dressing in the morning. Have a nice cup of coffee or tea, read the news or just enjoy the morning au natural. If you have a porch, landing or patio this is a perfect place to start your day while still nude.

4. Work Naked

Start doing chores and housework/repairs in the nude. Most things can be done while naked but common sense should prevail here. For instance, you probably don’t want to weld the railing around the porch while nude and you do not want to cook bacon while nude also. (There’s a list of the many things that you do not want to try while nude.)

5. Go Outside

Expand your territory to the outside of the house. If you have sufficient privacy you can mow the lawn, garden and do all sorts of outside maintenance. Even if you have neighbors who can see into your area you can learn their schedules and be out when they are not at home.

6. Nude Recreation

Visit a nude beach, hiking trail or a clothing optional section of a local park. You will find that nudism attracts all sizes and shapes of people.

7. Nude Resorts

Plan an overnight stay at a nudist resort where they offer recreation, meals and lodging as well as social gatherings where you can interact with others who share your interests. The AANR website is a resource to use for locating a resort near your state.

8. Social Nudist Club

Attend 2 or 3 events at a local social nudist club in your area. This should be sufficient to determine if you want to join them or not. Clubs have events throughout the year that range from dinners to hiking events. You can surely find some that suit your needs.

These steps provide a logical progression toward becoming a social nudist. There certainly are no time restraints involved and you can progress at your own pace but if you are like most of us you will want to get comfortable as soon as possible and start enjoying the benefits of social nudism.

More about social nudism for women:

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