A Non-Landed Naturist Club in Central New Mexico

News & Views

RR Event RSVP Procedures  Note:  Procedure has changed -- we no longer use the RSVP form.

1. Click on“Calendar”in the main menu bar at the top of the page. It is the second radio button from the left side.

2. In the displayed list of events, locate the event that you wish to attend. 

3. Click on the“Details" option. (They are available about 1 month before the date of the event.)

4. A page will appear with details of the event. If you decide to attend click on“roadrunnernaturists@hotmail.com” and enter your information on the email message.

5. Fill in your name*, email address*, phone number*, your member status ( Y or N ) and the number of attendees + comments about what you will be bringing in the way of food & drink. 

6. Click on “Send”. 

7. The host of the event or a club representative will contact you with more information including location of the event and food/drink requirements.

8. If you need additional information about visiting and attending events, etc., you will find some links in the sidebar on the right edge of the "Calendar" page.

* These fields are required. We have to be able to contact you.

Or as a last resort you can:

Send an email to:roadrunnernaturists@hotmail.com