A Non-Landed Naturist Club in Central New Mexico

News & Views

Roadrunner Naturists Club Disclaimer

Our club is a legally registered with the State of New Mexico as a non-profit organization. We are not affiliated with ANYfor-profit business. Any published reference regarding Roadrunner Naturists Club as a part of any business, whether within or outside of the nudist community, is entirely false.

We do have a “Links” section on our website that contains links to the websites of some commercial businesses where our members have had pleasant experiences. We provide these links as a courtesy only. The club receives no remumeration or fees from any of these links. The linked organizations have a business philosophy that is in step with our club’s purpose and intent.

We ask that if you are considering visiting any of the linked resorts, clubs or spas that you investigate for yourself every aspect of that entity including legality, insurance status and health department reports. 

The Naturist Society Guide

This disclaimer is being included here because of unauthorized use of our club name by individuals trying to attract members of the nudist community to their websites or businesses.

World Guide to Nude Beaches and Resorts

Updated guide reviews and gives directions to nude beaches in Europe, Asia, Australia, South America, the United States, Canada, and Mexico, as well as surrounding islands.

Beautifully illustrated with color and black and white photos. Soft cover. 270 pages.

(This book is available for loan from the Roadrunners Library.)

AANR Guide

2nd Edition NorthAmerican Guide to Nude Recreation


This is your ultimate link to hundreds of nudist clubs throughout North America and the Caribbean. This new handy size makes it the perfect travel companion. Soft cover 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 320 pages. Order yours today!