A Non-Landed Naturist Club in Central New Mexico

News & Views


Hosting Events: (Forms at bottom of page.)

Thanks for considering hosting a Roadrunner Naturists Club event. To host an event, please contact any officer and describe your idea including the time and date of the event. You should plan ahead as far as possible and consult the calendar on this website to determine whether the date is already taken. Once you have the O.K. to have an event, submit a description to your officer contact and he/she will make sure your wonderful idea finds a place on the calendar.

About 2 months prior to your event you may begin receiving RSVP forms from those who plan to attend. It is the host's responsibility to determine the status of the respondent (member, visitor or new) and communicate with he/she about directions and what food/drink the person should consider bringing, if any. It is a real good idea to have a pre-written set of directions to your place. Transmitting these directions via email eliminates confusion and misunderstanding about where you are and when the event is to be held. 

Remember that a guest should have attended a“meet-up” session prior to attending any events. The“meet-up"session provides each party with an opportunity to find out about the other and the“meet-up” club members may become sponsors of the attendee. The guest should be able to supply the sponsors names to the event hosts. This procedure takes the responsibility away from the host leaving him/her free to concentrate on the details of the event. Currently, we have implemented a procedure that automatically sends a copy of the RSVP forms to a member who checks to see if the responder is a non-member. If so, their names are compared with the list of those who have been to a "meet-up" session and if they are not on the list they are contacted and a "meet-up" session is scheduled prior to the scheduled event. 

The host should be well versed about our policies concerning behavior, costs, hours and identification. The host also is responsible for having the correct administration forms on hand at the event. He/she should download these forms well in advance of the event.

Usually, the Roadrunner Treasurer or a designated replacement will handle the money and make sure the forms are filled out. These forms are to be used at events for administration and record keeping purposes. We are asking the hosts to please download and print them for use during your event. They are .pdf files and should be compatible with most computer systems. Click on the form name and then download it to your computer. 

The required forms: