A Non-Landed Naturist Club in Central New Mexico

(This site contains photos of naked people. If that offends you now is the time to move on.)

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Being a naturist is American as skinny dipping

who we are

Roadrunner Naturists is an active group of nudists based in northernNew Mexico, with most events held in theAlbuquerquearea. The average age of our members is 40's to 60's, but ages range from diapers to wrinkles. Some of us are single and some married. Some have school-age children, who accompany us on our outings, and some of our children are grown but still come along when they can. We are bound together by friendship, love of the outdoors, and a common belief that there is nothing shameful about the human body. Our custom is nude when possible and appropriate, clothed when practical. If we are cold or sunburned, we dress accordingly.

what do we do

In good weather we enjoy backyard swimming and hot tub parties, potlucks, camping, soaking inhot springs, holiday parties and more. Sometimes we visit nudist resorts in neighboring states. In the wintertime we have hot tub parties, games nights, holiday parties, etc. We usually have events scheduled every month and we have a great time!

about our organization

We are a clothing-optional non-landed, or travel, club. That is, we have no permanent facilities of our own. We are affiliated with theAmerican Association for Nude Recreation (AANR), and its westernU.S.regional association,AANR-West.We are proud to be one of the nudist/naturist groups inNew Mexicoand often enjoy joint events with the other groups. Roadrunner Naturists Club is incorporated inNew Mexicoas a non-profitorganization

Want to Know More?

Proud members of American Association for Nude Recreation and American Association for Nude Recreation West.

Need More Information?

Club Info Email: roadrunnernaturists@hotmail.com for up to date events and additional info.

“Find those you agree with and join them!” E.F. Schumacher, ca. 1965

© Roadrunner Naturists 2016